Phone Under Surveillance

How is it that we managed to exchange 25 cent telephone calls for 24 hour surveillance? Somewhere along the line, we lost our way.
Using a Ribbon to Retain the Olympus OM-D E-M5 Eyepiece

If you own an Olympus OM-D E-M5, then you have probably had the unpleasant experience of grabbing your camera to take some photos, only to discover that the eyepiece is missing, leaving the glass of the viewfinder completely unprotected. This happened to me for the first time after only three weeks of owning the camera. […]
Rusty on the Stairs

What better way to spend a snowy morning than taking a nap in the soft light of a staircase. When he’s not hiding under the living room curtains, this is one of Rusty’s favorite spots.
Mount Monadnock at Sunrise

This is the time of year when shortly after I arrive at work, the sun is rising near Mount Monadnock to the East. I take the stairs up to the third floor two at a time, racing to get into position before the sun emerges from behind the mountain and obliterates the view. A cloudy […]
Always Be Looking

My wife and I joke about my ability to find photos near my home or the office where I work. I find it helpful to focus on what is changing in these familiar surroundings, instead of becoming bored with the sameness of it all. I have also learned that it is important to always be […]