Emerging Flower and Hostas

I found a little gem at the Thorne-Sagendorph Art Gallery in Keene earlier today. They had a signed, silver gelatin print of “Frosted Window No. Two” by Paul Caponigro on display as part of the Expressive Voice: Landscape of Emotion exhibit. There were also a number of other silver-gelatin prints on display within the exhibit. […]
Fun With Clouds

Sometimes you can combine two elements that occupy the same space in a different way to change their relationship. On that note, I present today’s fun with clouds photo.
Old Murdock School, Winchendon, MA
Earlier today, I returned to my hometown of Winchendon, MA to visit with my father and take him out for breakfast for Father’s Day. Before stopping at his apartment, I visited the Old Murdock School where I went to junior high school, and where my father worked as a custodian when I was growing up. […]
A Forest Walk
After setting out with a collection of zoom lenses hoping to see a Great Blue Heron, I soon realized that I had ventured out much too late to see one. I decided to shift my attention to one of my favorite subjects, and one that I never grow tired of — the forest around me. […]
Forest Prayer Wheel
During a hike through the forest this morning, I came across a piece of foam rotating continuously in a small stream. Unfortunately, the audio was full of scratching noises and wind noise, so I decided to record a short piece of classical guitar music using my iPhone. The guitar music is the first part of […]
Trees Along the Ashuelot River

After many days of heavy rain over the past week, the sun finally broke through for a brief time this morning. I grabbed my camera and left for work early so that I could take a walk through the Ashuelot River Park in Keene, NH before starting my work day. The river was very high, […]
Great Blue Heron on the Ashuelot River

During lunch today I went for a short walk through the Ashuelot River Park in Keene, NH. About five minutes into the walk, I detected something large moving across the river near the opposite shore. As I got closer, I realized that it was a large Great Blue Heron which was perched on a dead […]
Early Morning, Chester, VT
My work took me to Chester, VT this week where I attended three days of training. On the last day I arrived early and went for a short photo walk in downtown Chester just as the sun was beginning to poke above the hills surrounding the village. Having recently read an article about short light, […]