Birds and a Bonus Bobcat

Shortly after exiting my car this morning, I heard some crows nearby squawking loudly. I thought that they were harassing some type of raptor that had infringed upon their territory. A few moments later a lone Bobcat emerged from the woods. It paused just behind a No Parking sign near the side of the road […]
Snapping Turtles on the Move

This morning I encountered five different snapping turtles along the mile and a half stretch of road that I walk. My first encounter was on the return leg of the out and back loop. I did not see this turtle or the damaged nest on the out leg of my loop. The turtle was surrounded […]
Snapping Turtle Along the Road

This morning I found a female snapping turtle that was laying a clutch of eggs in a hole that she had dug on the shoulder of the road. I have learned to look for disturbed soil where a snapping turtle may have laid eggs at this time of year. Snapping turtles are also easy to […]
Juvenile Double-crested Cormorant

Today was the first day of boating season on the Connecticut River in Hinsdale, New Hampshire. The weather was perfect — mostly sunny in the low 80s with a slight breeze. The water was calm and at times glassy, reflecting the few clouds that were in the sky. Out on the river we encountered a […]
Eastern Kingbird in Flight

This morning I was photographing an Eastern Kingbird as it explored the branches of a small tree. Since it was moving quite a bit, I was tracking the bird and firing a burst of photos. Suddenly, the bird leapt from one of the branches and flew across the swamp. I was not sure if I […]